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Report a Concern

This is not a 911 or emergency service.
Do not use these report options to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property.

If you require emergency assistance, please dial 911 (Police)
or contact BYU–Hawaii Campus Security at (808) 675-3911.

Honor Code

Report violation of the BYUH Honor Code (dress and grooming, drug and alcohol, academic dishonesty, inappropriate language, bullying, racism, etc.).

Sex Discrimination (Title IX)

Domestic or dating violence, sexual harassment, sexual violence, assault, anti-LGBTQ, or stalking.

Collaboration Assessment Response & Evaluation (CARE)

Harm to self or others incident report.

Compliance Hotline

Noncompliance with law or university policy; Violations of safety rules; Threats to information security or data privacy.

Ethics Hotline

Fraud, theft, or other misuse of university resources; Discrimination or harassment; Conflicts of interest.

Dean of Students

Administrative reviews of student cases, reduced course loads, or emergency leave.

Disruptive Student Behavior

conduct that interferes with the educational process, the educational environment (including housing), or the administrative functions of the university

Campus Security

Report illegal behavior or non-emergency crimes such as theft, vandalism, or non-immediate danger.

Residential Living

Report concerns about roommates/unit mates, noncompliance with hale guidelines, violation of living standards

General Concern

Report a Concern

Generally, student academic issues should be addressed through regular administrative channels. Read more about the Academic Grievance policy.

Generally, compliance & ethics issues should be addressed through regular administrative channels. This hotline maybe used after the regular administrative channels have been exhausted or by those wishing to remain anonymous. You may make a report either online using the buttons above or by calling the toll-free telephone at (888) 238-1062.